Howdy cats n' kittens!
As you know, the 'organic' potting soil I bought to start my seedling project sucked ass & I'm having to start again. A friend who works at a marijuana dispensary is going to give me a bag of soil that sells for $16 a bag to try. He guarantees my plants will thrive & I believe him. Since pot growers pay top dollar for seed, they probably know better than anyone what works & what doesn't. No, I'm not going to grow pot. I'm legal to do so in CA, but where there's pot growing there's trouble & I don't need any trouble.
One of the snail flower vines finally sprouted. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the others.
The melons are sprouting. Orangelo watermelon, golden midget, Sakata's sweet, Old Time Tennessee & Burrell's Jumbo are all making an appearance. They won't be ready to sell for another few weeks, though.
The tomatoes are struggling. My Gold Medal all died in the crappy soil. It's a little early for them yet anyway. They'd be further along if I had a cold frame & better dirt. Live and learn.
The pole beans are doing the best of all the seedlings. The purple pole beans & the blue lake pole beans are already 6" high. Not all of them germinated though, so these ones will be kept for breeding.
One of the rare Pink Feathers Morning Glories sprouted. I'm really excited about it. Can't wait to see what they look like in real life. I'm hoping they'll stop traffic & bring in customers.
My new honeybees have settled in. I put on the full beekeeper getup for the first time & took a peak inside the hive to make sure they're doing okay. Lots of eggs, nectar, honey & comb. They're doing better than expected. I won't remove any honey until the end of next year's bee season, though.
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